Wii Play is a set of 9 games, the game is currently available for purchase with a second Wiimote, it is a rather exhaustive collection of games, ie games that demonstrate the possibilities Wiimotu. It is not, although the 3D games but that does not mean they are bad. Mini-largest group of people to seize a long time. Nintendo knows and adheres to adages "strength is in simplicity." Although not in any way genílní games, certainly entertain.
First minihry is shooting at a target. It's a bit retro, but in two it's fun.
The second is minihry postřehovka where mii search by entering the characters, you can search for two identical mii, or the fastest moving, the characters sometimes move, run the escalators, and sometimes it is difficult to find the ..
Third minihry is a Ping-Pong, to him, I enjoyed very, unfortunately, I won disappointment, I expect something similar to the Tennis WiiSports. Unfortunately not. Control is completely different and not too practical.
The fourth is a demonstration of shooting minihry WiiMotem. You have the task to shoot mii characters to the correct angle that sat in the bubble.
Fifth minihry is Laser Hockey, the real potential to know as airhockey.
Sixth minihry room is surprisingly well-made.
Seventh minihry is fishing, although it is very unrealistic but it is not a bad idea, unfortunately, playability is not as fully povedená.
Eighth minihry are quite entertaining races. Ride on cows and control direction of travel Wiimotu shooting. You have the task to hit as many obstacles to spook and jump (škubnutím WiiMotem top). Standard races are one of the funniest games of this miniserie.
Last is the ninth game duel tanks, need this game and nunchuck. This where you control a tank will determine Wiimotem km tank will shoot.